
Do you want to see the world?

             Those of you who have this really annoying itch that just won’t go away, welcome! No, I’m not selling ‘special creams’, I’m talking about the desire to explore new places and see the world. The ‘traveller’s itch’ (it’s a METAPHOR)!

This website will be used as a tool to document the trials and tribulations, the beauty and bewilderment, of our long series of journeys. We will be posting maps, routes of travel, journal entries, articles, videos, photos, you name it, all gathered together from some convoluted mass into an organized trail of our foot steps through this world. Through our journal entries of our experiences, we hope to inspire other travellers and would-be travellers to plan and execute their own trips. We want to show you a way to tour the world that is cheap and full of grand adventures and experiences.

Spis Castle, Slovakia
Climbing to castle Spis in Slovakia

This is not so much a holiday, but an incredibly long journey. This is not about flying from city to city to see the sights, the attractions, fine dining, and squeeze it all into your two week vacation. We will live, work, and meet new people, completely immersing ourselves in their culture, and building relations across the globe in a communal sort of way. HOW are we going to do that? Work exchange opportunities, through organizations such as WWOOFing, Staydu, Workaway, and Help Exchange (helpx). This will be the focus of our journey, and our means to survive cheap. Couchsurfing has also been an amazing way to live with a local and learn from them. We have been truly blessed and surprised by the sincere generosity of our hosts during our travels!

Making Paint in Finland?
Who knew we’d be creating our own paint from scratch in Finland?

For those of you who want to GO PLACES, we WELCOME you and want to share the view! To view all life with the curious eyes of a child; from the plangent sea to the prairie, from the slum to the heart of the Wild.

In GREECE, we will stride with the gods on the heights of Olympus and Parnassus, or perhaps we will tread the black shores of ICELAND, where there once beached viking vessels thousands of years ago. Will you have the courage to seek out the supernatural in the most haunted castles of BRITAIN? Or maybe, you’d prefer, to sit at a MEDITERRANEAN table and gorge yourself on its fine drink and cuisine. Whatever, it’s like, an adventure!

Nathanael in Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey
Nathanael in Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

Read our Journal entries and Travel Route about the places we’ve visited over the years, our Photos and Videos documenting our travels, and Articles for more detailed information.



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