Sauerkraut Soup

by Ola in Krasnapol, Poland

Sauerkraut Soup
By Silar (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons


  • about 5 potatoes, peeled and chopped

  • one large onion, chopped

  • sauerkraut (as much as you would like)

  • 1 heaping tbsp of bouillon

  • salt

  • pepper

  • 2-3 bay leaves

Peel and chop potatoes and put into a pot. Add water, salt, pepper, bouillon, and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook until potatoes are soft.

Fry onion separately in oil. Add to the soup once soft.

Cut sauerkraut into manageable pieces if necessary, then add to the soup. Boil 20 minutes.


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