Hello everyone!
So as Nathanael and I start making our preparations to get going, we’ve had some changes of plans. We’ve bumped back our departure date from July to November since Nathanael’s sister is getting married and we wouldn’t dream of missing out on such a beautiful day! Unfortunately, this means we hit a few snags in our previous plans.
We’re now going to be venturing into Iceland and Scandinavia in winter, an intimidating thought! We’re preparing and researching, however, so we’re hoping weather conditions won’t be an issue for us as hardy Canadians. The main problem we’ve come across is that the ferry line we were hoping to take between Iceland, the Faroes, and Denmark will not be running in the winter. This is pretty disappointing; we were both very much looking forward to a true sea voyage! That’s how things go in the off-season though. So we have devised a new plan which we think in the end will actually save us some time and money, and will still include a ferry ride. What we are now hoping to do is adventure around the western coast of Iceland, hiking through the fjords and whatnot, before returning to Reykjavik. From Reykjavik, we will fly to Bergen, Norway. Originally we had planned to visit Norway after Sweden, but now we will be exploring Norway before ferrying over to Denmark. Making our way through Denmark, we will eventually make our way to Sweden and then to Finland. This plan won’t include as many epic train or ferry rides, but it should be a bit more time and cost efficient. We will be updating our country pages once we have finished sorting everything out.
Wish us luck finding warm jackets!