Blogs, journals, and videos, oh my!

So due to Nat and I being crazy excited for our trip, we’ve been talking to our friends and family about it for months. Okay, maybe a year… and a half. Maybe two years. Anyway, since we’ve been talking about it for so long, we’ve been slowly collecting travel-related gifts as birthday and Christmas presents. Amongst them, we’ve collected a beautiful collection of travel journals to bring with us to help document our journey.

Beautiful collection of travel journals.
Beautiful collection of travel journals.

So now we are left wondering, what are we going to write about?? As you can see above, we can choose plenty to write about and we can easily devote an entire journal to each aspect we pick. I’ve already managed to pick a couple of things that I’m really excited about.

First, I just received a beautiful wine journal for my 24th birthday from my parents. So, it’s now a given that Nat and I are going to be partying across Europe and will be recording our favourite spirits/home-brews/wines that we find!

Second, I love cooking and baking. So, since we’re hoping to stay with plenty of amazing people along our way, I would love to devote one of these journals to recording recipes learned from friends, hosts, and other great people we meet!

I’m going to keep at least one for all our experiences, but we still need to figure something out for the other journals. We’re hoping to make videos in every country, so maybe we’ll keep a journal for notes/ideas for videos. If anyone out there has any ideas for things to write about, please let us know!

My first entry!
My first entry in my wine journal!
A journal for recipes.
A journal for recipes.

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